The Canada Graduate Scholarships – Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements (CGS-MSFSS) support high-calibre Canadian graduate students in building global linkages and international networks through the pursuit of exceptional research experiences at research institutions abroad. By accessing international scientific research and training, CGS-MSFSS recipients will contribute to strengthening the potential for collaboration between Canadian and foreign institutions.
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Canadian Government Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements Graduate Scholarship
Aim and Benefits of Canadian Government Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements Graduate Scholarship
Up to $6,000 for a period of research study abroad
Requirements for Canadian Government Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements Graduate Scholarship Qualification
- have accepted or currently hold a CGS (master’s or doctoral) or eligible Vanier CGS
- undertake your proposed trip abroad no earlier than the competition deadline date
- not hold, or have held, any other CGS-MSFSS during the course of your graduate studies
To remain eligible during the research study period abroad, you must
- hold an active CGS at the time your research study period abroad starts
- be registered in a graduate research studies program at a Canadian institution for the duration of your research study period abroad
- take up the award within one year of receiving the notice of award for the CGS-MSFSS
- return to complete your degree at your Canadian institution
Duration and start date of research study period abroad
The minimum length of stay abroad that the CGS-MSFSS will support is two months and the maximum duration of support is six months.
The start of your research study period abroad must be after the application deadline date, but within one year of receiving the notice of the award. Should you leave Canada before the results are announced, the agencies are not liable for any costs incurred if the application is not funded or is deemed ineligible.
A supplement must begin before the end date of your CGS or Vanier CGS and cannot be taken up during an interruption of a CGS or Vanier CGS award.
Note: The CGS award must be active at the time the research study period abroad begins.
Interview date, Process and Venue for Canadian Government Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements Graduate Scholarship
The internal selection process and review procedures adopted by the institution must evaluate applications using the selection criteria listed below:
- the linkage between the CGS research goals, the activities outlined for the proposed research study period abroad and your future research/career goals, considering
- the significance, feasibility and merit of proposed activities at the foreign institution
- the justification for the choice of host institution(s) and/or host supervisor(s)
- the relevance and anticipated benefits of the proposed activities to your current graduate-degree training
The institution must notify you of the results of its internal selection process.
Application Deadline
October 6, 2024
How to Apply
Interested and qualified? Go to
Canadian Government on to apply
Each agency has its own application form, instructions and consent forms, and care should be taken to ensure that the appropriate form is used.
You will be required to provide the following information:
- the name and contact information of your CGS or Vanier CGS research supervisor and of the proposed host supervisor
- the name and location of the proposed host institution
- a description of your intended research activities during your research study period abroad (including objectives, methodology, timelines and expected outcomes) and how they relate to your main graduate research topic, and a description of the potential benefits you will derive from the host institution in relation to your current research objectives (maximum two pages)
- a budget that provides estimates for costs of travel, living and other expenses during your research study period abroad
- a letter from your CGS or Vanier CGS research supervisor detailing their support for your research study period abroad and confirming that your proposed research aligns with the research from your CGS award (maximum one page)
- a letter from your host supervisor detailing their support for your research study period abroad and the resources they have available—financial (if any), supervision time, equipment, library access, etc.—to support your planned research activities (maximum one page)
- for CIHR, 1) Applicant consent form and 2) Consent to disclosure of personal information form; for NSERC, Terms and conditions of applying form (fillable); for SSHRC, Consent to disclosure of personal information form.