Published: 26 Feb 2024 451 views
The purpose of this scholarship is for the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) to provide funding and support for newly admitted graduate students whose admissions were highly ranked by their Department.
The University of Alberta is a public research university located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It was founded in 1908 by Alexander Cameron Rutherford, the first premier of Alberta, and Henry Marshall Tory, its first president. Its enabling legislation is the Post-secondary Learning Act.
Stipend Value: $17,500 Master’s; $21,000 Doctoral. Students must have a Canadian bank account and Canadian address to receive the award.
Tuition and Fees: Domestic students will receive an additional $7,100, and international students will receive an additional $10,000 to help cover fees. The funds will be applied directly to students’ tuition and fees account.
Refer to the most current Scholarships and Awards Manual (under Forms Cabinet/Awards), Section 2.6: Criteria used to Determine Academic Standing.
Prospective students and students newly admitted to a graduate program cannot apply for this scholarship. Only students admitted to one of the admission terms listed under Eligibility may be considered, and they must be nominated to GPS by their admitting Department. Prospective/newly admitted students are to contact their admitting Department for information on their internal selection process; the Department can also assist with the application for admission process.
Detailed admission application instructions, tuition and cost of living information, and international academic credential and English Language Proficiency (ELP) information (if applicable), are also available on GPS’s website under Prospective Students.