
University of Guelph Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program 2025-2026

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program recognizes academic excellence in graduate studies at the master's and doctoral levels in all disciplines of academic study. The program is jointly supported by funds provided by the Ministry of Training, College and Universities ('ministry') and funds provided by the University of Guelph.  The ministry contributes two-thirds of the value of the award and the university provides one-third.

About University of Guelph

The University of Guelph is like no other university in Canada. Research-intensive and learner-centred, our campuses span urban hubs and rural communities. We are known for excellence in the arts and sciences and for our commitment to developing exceptional thinkers and engaged citizens.  Students 185,000 Alumni (living in 160+ countries worldwide) 1,700 International Students (from 130+ countries) Our students, faculty and staff pursue active inquiry and exercise creativity across a range of disciplines -- physical and life sciences, arts and humanities, social sciences... continue reading

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University of Guelph Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program

Aim and Benefits of University of Guelph Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program

The OGS is valued at $15,000 for one year.  A recipient will be awarded $5,000 per semester for up to three semesters.

Requirements for University of Guelph Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program Qualification

The University of Guelph will use the following criteria to evaluate all OGS applications:

Academic Record (40%)

  • Transcripts
  • Other academic accomplishments
  • Prior scholarships and awards
  • Publications and presentations

Statement of Interest/Plan of Study/Research Proposal (30%)

  • Statement of Interest for Master’s (motivation, creativity, significance, communication skills)
  • Plan of Study for Doctoral (feasibility, merit and significance, communication skills)

Academic Assessment from Referees (30% total, 15% per assessment)

  • Ability to complete projects within an appropriate time period
  • Contribution to research development
  • Critical thinking, application of knowledge, judgement, originality, initiative, autonomy, enthusiasm for research
  • Academic training and relevant work experience (co-op included)
  • Professional and extracurricular interactions and collaborations with supervisors, colleagues, and peers (e.g. teaching, mentoring, supervising, project managing, chairing committees, organizing conferences/meetings, elected positions, etc.)

Applicants must:

  • Be registered or intend to register in an eligible program on a full-time basis.
  • Be registered or intend to register full-time in the Summer, Fall, or Winter semester following the OGS application deadline.
  • Have not exceeded the lifetime maximum of government-funded support or maximum OGS support available for their current level of study (see Maximum Support)
  • Master's students must have completed, as of December 31 prior to the application deadline*, between zero and 12 months of full-time studies at the master's level
    • Current University of Guelph master's students who:
      • are applying for OGS to support future doctoral studies and are not eligible for OGS as a master's student due to months of study, may not accept an award offer until they have enrolled in a doctoral program (if offered).
      • intend to apply to transfer to a doctoral program and are not eligible as a master's student due to months of study, may not accept an award offer until they have enrolled in a doctoral program (if offered).
  • Doctoral students must have completed, as of December 31 prior to the application deadline*, between zero and 36 months of full-time studies at the doctoral level
    • In the case of students who have transferred from a master's program to a doctoral program, this will be calculated starting with the first semester in which the student was enrolled in the doctoral program
    • Current University of Guelph master's students who:
      • are applying for OGS to support future doctoral studies and are not eligible for OGS as a master's student due to months of study, may not accept an award offer until they are enrolled in a doctoral program (if offered)
      • intend to apply to transfer to a doctoral program and are not eligible as a master's student due to months of study, may not accept an award offer until they are enrolled in a doctoral program (if offered).
  • Must have achieved a first-class average (minimum A-) in each of the last two completed years of study (full-time equivalent). Please refer to the University of Guelph undergraduate and graduate – Grade Schedule and Interpretation grading scales. 
    • ?Note: If marks used for calculating an applicant's grade point average (GPA) are not available (e.g., courses were graded on a pass-fail basis) in the last two registered years, then the next most recent semester of available undergraduate or graduate marks will be used to determine eligibility
  • OSAP Holds - if you have an OSAP hold and/or restriction on your OSAP account, please know that while you are eligible to apply for the OGS, failure to resolve the restriction before/after accepting the OGS/QEII-GSST may result in the full cancellation and/or repayment of OGS/QEII-GSST funds. It is solely the applicant's responsibility to ensure they are in good standing with OSAP administrators prior to the acceptance of an OGS or receipt of funds. 

Interview date, Process and Venue for University of Guelph Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program

The 2025-26 allocations are as follows: 

  • TBD total OGS awards available:
    • TBD OGS  awarded to Canadian citizens, Permanent Residents, or Protected Persons (2 of these awards will be set aside for Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit, Métis) applicants who self-identify on their OGS application)
    •  TBD OGS awarded to international students who are studying in Ontario under a temporary resident visa

Application Deadline

January 31, 2025

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to University of Guelph on to apply

The deadline to apply for 2025-26 OGS funding at Guelph is January 31, 2025. Eligible applicants are asked only to submit one OGS application per competition year. 

A complete OGS application consists of the following:

  • A complete OGS Application Form application, submitted to your Graduate Program Assistant (Award & Event Specialist in CSAHS) via email. As we all continue to work remotely, mailed or other hard copies will NOT be accepted.
  • Two (2) Academic Assessments, submitted directly by your referees to your Graduate Program Assistant  (Award & Event Specialist in CSAHS) via email, from the referees' official institutional or corporate email addresses (i.e., assessments may not be submitted from gmail, hotmail or similar email accounts). As previously noted, assessments must be e-mailed directly to the Graduate Program Assistant, and mailed or other hard copies will not be accepted. 
  • Students not currently registered in a graduate program at Guelph must submit a complete application for admission to a graduate program at Guelph prior to the OGS application deadline; it takes quite some time to fully complete an application for admission, so please start your admission application well in advance of the OGS deadline.
  • Current University of Guelph master's students applying for doctoral funding who are not eligible as master's applicants must also submit a online OUAC application for admission to a doctoral program.

NOTE: Transcripts are not required as part of your OGS application; they will be accessed from your application for admission.

For more details, visit University of Guelph Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) Program webpage

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